Sunday, August 24, 2014

Declutter Your Home

Living with a lot of stuff around is expensive. Not only it costs more to acquire it - it needs maintenance and storage space. For each item you own and keep in your living space you pay money.

The bigger problem is that clutter is mentally expensive, too. It can be nice to have beautiful painting hanging on your wall, but having ten on that same wall is tedious. Each time you see and item, your brain gets distracted. It needs to process the information. When this happens whenever you look, your brain gets tired.

Decluttering is not equal to spring cleaning - it is a decision you make about your life. It is of no use to throw out old stuff just to buy new.  When you make this decision it should be a continuous action. I have a reminder on my phone every Sunday to throw out or sell a thing from my home. So when the time comes I have to get rid of one item from my home. It can be a small one or a big one - it doesn't matter. It is important that I do this every week. Sometimes bunch of stuff goes out and sometimes just a trinket.

This became a weekly habit for me. The amount of stuff that goes in the house and stays in can be bigger than the amount of stuff you let go. It doesn't matter as long as some of it goes out.

Emotional value of stuff

People tend to attach some kind of emotional value to things. I learned that this is wrong. Things can not have emotional value - only your mind can attach it. So, by holding on items you are attaching a thought to them, and believe that the thing became thought. It is impossible.

It helps to ask a friend if some item you hold on would be good for him/her to have. If friend likes the object keep it, if not let it go, no matter how attached you feel to it. 

Objective value of things do not increase just by your attachment to it. Unless you are a famous pop star or actor, that item is of the same value before you acquired it and now, considering objective emotional value. Monetrary value can change, but again, this is not related how you perceive it. Market will give this item a price.

Giving away things

One of the best ways to declutter your home is to give stuff away to people who need it. This is beneficial to all - they will get for free something they need and you will be free of thing you do not need. Giving away is somewhat illogical to do. After all, you earned money and bought the item. You maintained it, cherished it. My advice is to just try. Give something away to someone, and see what happens. For me, it was a good moment. It might be for you, too.

Selling things over eBay-like services

This is also a good way to get rid of stuff. Somehow, if you sell an item, that money that comes in feels more valuable than regular money. Be aware of this, as it is an illusion. Do not go buying new stuff just because you sold some of old. 

Health benefits

There are numerous health benefits to decluttering, bot physical an mental.

Physical benefits are less dirt and dust that is collecting on stuff, Less time needed to maintain it and more time for exercise, without the dust.

Mental benefits are less obvious. Clean and empty space around us makes us more concentrated on present moment, noticing important things that remained. We are not distracted bu unimportant and we can breathe easier. We have less to worry about and more to be present in the moment. 

What is the limit of decluttering

If we throw away everything we own, does this make us better? Obviously not. If we throw away everything we will not be able to function in our world. 

Is there any magic number, any threshold for decluttering? No, it completely depends on you. You will know what is important and what is not. By removing all illusions and by seeing clearly, you will be able to determine what you really need and what you do not. You will accomplish that by being mindful about stuff and their real place in your life.

What are your ways of dealing with excess items in your possession? Do you keep them in your home, put them in the boxes in the attic or sell them? Please voice in the comments!

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